Privacy policy of flotasnet onroute privacy of flotasnet

Privacy policy

This page constitutes the privacy policy applied to the OnRoute application.


Data controller

FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA S.COOP. (hereinafter, FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA) processes data as a data processor, on behalf of the company to which you belong or provide your services (hereinafter, CLIENT COMPANY), which is responsible for the processing of your personal data. FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA and the CLIENT COMPANY have signed the corresponding data processing agreement, under which FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA processes personal data on behalf of the CLIENT COMPANY and following its instructions.

The application is owned by FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA, with VAT number F20027975, and registered office at Barrio San Andrés, s/n. 20500 Arrasate-Mondragon (Gipuzkoa).

You can contact FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA at the following email address


Legitimization of the processing

The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of the contract you have with the CLIENT COMPANY.


Purpose of the processing

We will process your personal data associated with your use of the application to properly manage the use and operation of the application.

Information collected by the OnRoute application

The OnRoute application collects the following information:

• Date, time, and location

• Information regarding the movement of the vehicle: Status (stopped, in motion) and speed.

• OnRoute user identifier.

• Screen state (Locked/Unlocked).

• Resources provided by OnRoute, work orders, and forms that the user interacts with.


User privacy

The OnRoute application allows you to share the location information of your device. The data collected by the OnRoute application will be sent to the fleet manager, from which it will be used to track the routes, tasks, and forms coordinated by the application. According to the legal legitimization that you have made with your CLIENT COMPANY.

You can stop sharing your location at any time by logging out of OnRoute. From that moment on, information regarding the location and movement of the vehicle, as well as the resources provided by OnRoute, will no longer be sent.


Communication of your data

FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA will not communicate personal data to third parties or organizations, unless it has express authorization from the CLIENT COMPANY, in the cases legally admissible.


International transfers

FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA will not make international transfers of the data obtained through the application.


Data retention

The personal and sensitive data collected by the OnRoute application will be stored in a protected manner and retained by FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA for the time necessary to provide the services of route tracking, tasks, and forms to the client company. Once these services are finished, the data will be retained for an additional period of 6 months. After this time, the data will be securely and definitively deleted from our systems, unless it is necessary to retain them for a longer period under a legal obligation or to resolve disputes.



You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, and portability of your data, as well as your right to restrict and object to the processing, not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing of your data, or to revoke your consent, when appropriate, before the CLIENT COMPANY.

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