Fagor Electronica's Blog

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Welcome Lokímica

We are pleased to announce that we have managed to establish a commercial relationship with LOKÍMICA S.A, company committed to public health. Fagor Electrónica´s technological solutions – Smart Data Services are already available to them.

LOKÍMICA S.A. was founded in 1978 and since its beginnings 42 years ago it has been dedicated to environmental health and pest control throughout the national territory, respecting and protecting the environment. Nowadays LOKÍMICA has 10 delegations in the eastern part of Spain, mobile centers and development points distributed throughout the national territory. The organization has been recognized by various institutions as a reward for its dedication and excellence in service.

Currently LOKÍMICA is the company with the most own means to carry out its work in the field of pest control, incorporating the latest technology in a constant process of modernization.

At Fagor Electrónica – Smart Data Services, we always try to develop and increase the potential and capabilities of our customers and we are always by their side to help and accompany them. We offer a solution for the improvement of productivity and profitability of our customers, and what is more important, we treat each customer as if they were unique, so all our solutions are customizable and adaptable to their needs.

We hope that with LOKÍMICA S.A. we will have a continuous collaboration and will achieve new successes. Together we go further and better.

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